Circle Hedge Fence 2 Packge - [COPY]-

Circle Hedge Fence 2 Package, With Brick Pylons .

include : 2 Package

 Pack-1 : "S7  Pack1-Dimension-[Normal]-[COPY]-"
        Total :  21 Items
               - Pieces for customize landscaping.
        Prims : from 2 at max 3 .
               - and "s7 8-prims Hedge Green.Circle  Big"  this is a circle grouped 8PRIMS.

Pack-2 : "S7  Pack2-Dimension-[small]-[COPY]-"
        Total :  21 Items
               - Pieces for customize landscaping.
        Prims : from 2 at max 3 .
               - and "s7 8-prims Hedge Green.Circle  Tiny"  this is a circle grouped 8PRIMS. 

 HELP -  Object title name description :
   s7 Rou.Hedge N.Pylon.Build Tex-1 
  "Rounded Hedge Normal with Pylons for Build, Texture 1."

Sculpted Circle Hedge Fence 2  for  landscapers,  Pieces for Build with pylons

Prims : form 2 at max 3 prims for build pieces fence and   8prims for Grouped with pylons set .
Permission : - [ COPY ].
                  - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                  - No Transfer
                  - Object Set on Phantom . 

Texture by : S7 Design Studio.
3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.
Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

Price : 499L$