S7 Ornamental Fence FAT PACK, ALL Packs.

S7 Ornamental Fence FAT PACK, ALL Packs. ,

Number Prims : ----

Content : 93 Prims Total ,
6 Items package with 1 set form per pack, each set with 3 dimensions and 1 texture.

S7 Ornamental Fence with Bush pack , Form 1 - 6 prims each set. 3 dimensions , 1 texture.
S7 Ornamental Fence with Bush pack , Form 2 - 4 prims each set. 3 dimensions , 1 texture.
S7 Ornamental Fence with Bush pack , Form 3 - 5 prims each set. 3 dimensions , 1 texture.
S7 Ornamental Fence with Bush pack , Form 4 - 6 prims each set. 3 dimensions , 1 texture.
S7 Ornamental Fence with Bush pack , Form 5 - 4 prims each set. 3 dimensions , 1 texture.
S7 Ornamental Fence with Bush pack , Form 6 - 6 prims each set. 3 dimensions , 1 texture.

Perms : Transfer

Texture by : S7 Design Studio.

3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.

Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

PRICE :   100 L