Circle Hedge Fence 2 Packge - [COPY]-

Circle Hedge Fence 2 Package, With Brick Pylons .

include : 2 Package

 Pack-1 : "S7  Pack1-Dimension-[Normal]-[COPY]-"
        Total :  21 Items
               - Pieces for customize landscaping.
        Prims : from 2 at max 3 .
               - and "s7 8-prims Hedge Green.Circle  Big"  this is a circle grouped 8PRIMS.

Pack-2 : "S7  Pack2-Dimension-[small]-[COPY]-"
        Total :  21 Items
               - Pieces for customize landscaping.
        Prims : from 2 at max 3 .
               - and "s7 8-prims Hedge Green.Circle  Tiny"  this is a circle grouped 8PRIMS. 

 HELP -  Object title name description :
   s7 Rou.Hedge N.Pylon.Build Tex-1 
  "Rounded Hedge Normal with Pylons for Build, Texture 1."

Sculpted Circle Hedge Fence 2  for  landscapers,  Pieces for Build with pylons

Prims : form 2 at max 3 prims for build pieces fence and   8prims for Grouped with pylons set .
Permission : - [ COPY ].
                  - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                  - No Transfer
                  - Object Set on Phantom . 

Texture by : S7 Design Studio.
3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.
Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

Price : 499L$

Circle Hedge Fence, 1 PRIM. -[COPY]- LOW PRIM

include :

Package Content :  23 Items, 2 Form's of fence with 2 Dimensions, 5 Texture stretch each. Only 1 prim. And 1  circle grouped style with 4 prims and 3 dimensions for it,  only 1 texture.

Sculpted Circle Hedge Fence for  landscapers,  Pieces for Build.

Prims : 1

Permission : - [ COPY ].
                  - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                  - No Transfer
                  - Object Set on Phantom . 

10 Items : Circle Hedge fence, 1 PRIM, FORM 1 . 

s7  Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-1
s7  Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-2
s7  Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-3
s7  Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-4
s7  Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-5
s7  Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-1
s7  Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-2
s7  Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-3
s7  Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-4
s7  Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-5

10 Items : Circle Hedge fence, 1 PRIM, FORM 2 . 

s7 x Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-1
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-2
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-3
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-4
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Normal  .Tex-5
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-1
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-2
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-3
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-4
s7 x Rounded  Hedge Tiny .Tex-5

3 Items :  4 PRIMS.

s7 4-prims Hedge Green.Circle Big.
s7 4-prims Hedge Green.Circle Medium.
s7 4-prims Hedge Green.Circle Tiny.

Texture by : S7 Design Studio. 
3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.
Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

Price : 399L$

50 Pylons Pack,, 1PRIM -[COPY]- LOW PRIM

include :

     Total Items 50
LOW PRIM  Sculpted Pylons ,  50 Pylons . ONLY 1 PRIM . 10 Textures Stretch and 5 Dimensions for each pylon.

Pylons for  landscaping,  Pieces for Build.

Prims : 1

Permission : - [ COPY ].
                  - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                  - No Transfer

Texture by : S7 Design Studio.  and Credits to jonquille.noir and kyran.nyak.
3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.
Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

Price : 199L$

4 Prim Grouped Hedge Pack

 include :

     Total Items 64 .
Package contain 4 Packs with 4 Sets 16 items grouped in 4 prim .
  All sets groups have 4 dimensions , each group with 1 different texture . No modify .

Hedge for garden, landscaping,  Pieces for Build.

s7 4-prims Hedge Green. Giant -Sets with 16 Prims, 4 Circle hedges dimensions with 4 prims Each.
s7 4-prims Hedge Brick. Giant
s7 4-prims Hedge Concrete. Giant
s7 4-prims Hedge Rock. Giant

Permission : - COPY .
                  - - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                  - No Transfer

Texture by : S7 Design Studio.  and Credits to jonquille.noir and kyran.nyak.
3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.
Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

Price : 49L$

Professional Fence with Bricks.

Professional Fence with Brick Pillar 1

Pack  include : 
 - 12 Items, 36 prims, 4 Dimensions, +additional fence with squar brick pillon styles.

Prims : 3

Permission :  - Transfer 
                   - - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                   - Copy 

Price : 25L$   - Transfer perm Pack .

Price : 499L$ - Copy perm Pack . 

Professional Fence with Brick Pillar2
Pack  include : 
 - 4 Items, 16 prims, 4 Dimensions , Style Green Fence with brick pillon and middle bush.
Permission :  - Transfer 
                   - - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                   - Copy 

Price : 25L$   - Transfer perm Pack .

Price : 499L$ - Copy perm Pack . 

Professional Fence with Brick Pillar 3
Pack  include : 
 - 4 Items, 20 prims, 4 Dimensions , Style Green Fence with brick pillon and 2 middle bush.

Permission :  - Transfer 
                   - - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                   - Copy 

Price : 25L$   - Transfer perm Pack .

Price : 499L$ - Copy perm Pack . 

Professional Fence with Brick Pillar 4
Pack  include : 
 - 4 Items, 20 prims, 4 Dimensions , Style Green Fence with brick pillon and 2 middle bush.

Permission :  - Transfer 
                   - - No Modify - To have this perms, just ask .
                   - Copy 

Price : 25L$   - Transfer perm Pack .

Price : 499L$ - Copy perm Pack . 

Texture by : S7 Design Studio.
3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.
Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

Sculpted P. Tree

No Release. No Public.

Sculpted Candle .

Include :

Low prim Sculpt . 36 Items .18 items with 1 prim,  18 Items with 2 prims , . + Candle Keep in Hand with Pos . 3 Dimensions , and set with Light candle effect .

Permission : COPY .
                  - For other permissions you can make an in-world Request.
                  - No Modify - No COpy

6 - Items + animation .
Candle with Particle Style 1 [Worn on Hand] Animation .
Candle with Particle Style 2 [Worn on Hand] Animation .
Candle with Particle Style 3 [Worn on Hand] Animation .
Light Candle with Particle Style 1 [Worn on Hand] Animation .
Light Candle with Particle Style 2 [Worn on Hand] Animation .
Light Candle with Particle Style 3 [Worn on Hand] Animation .

6 - Items 
Candle with Particle Style 1 [Worn on Hand] No Animation .
Candle with Particle Style 2 [Worn on Hand] No Animation .
Candle with Particle Style 3 [Worn on Hand] No Animation .
Light Candle with Particle Style 1 [Worn on Hand] No Animation .
Light Candle with Particle Style 2 [Worn on Hand] No Animation .
Light Candle with Particle Style 3 [Worn on Hand] No Animation .

12 - Items Only 1 PRIM. 
Candle Style 1 Huge
Candle Style 2 Huge
Candle Style 3 Huge
Candle Style 1 Medium
Candle Style 2 Medium
Candle Style 3 Medium
Light Candle Style 1 Huge
Light Candle Style 2 Huge
Light Candle Style 3 Huge
Light Candle Style 1 Medium
Light Candle Style 2 Medium
Light Candle Style 3 Medium

6 - Items + Particle 2 PRIM.
Candle with Particle Style 1 Huge
Candle with Particle Style 2 Huge
Candle with Particle Style 3 Huge
Candle with Particle Style 1 Medium
Candle with Particle Style 2 Medium
Candle with Particle Style 3 Medium

6 - Items + Light and Particle 2 PRIM.
Light Candle with Particle Style 1 Huge
Light Candle with Particle Style 2 Huge
Light Candle with Particle Style 3 Huge
Light Candle with Particle Style 1 Medium
Light Candle with Particle Style 2 Medium
Light Candle with Particle Style 3 Medium

Texture by : S7 Design Studio.
3D Modeling : S7 Design Studio.
Copyright : S7 Design Studio Creation.

Price : 20L$

Magic Blue white Light

Magic Blue white Light

Permissions : Copy and Modify .

Price : 25L$


Red Light Effect .

Red Light Effect .

Mod: COPY and MODIFY .

  Price : 25L$